Have Fun Falling Posts

Intuition Interview: Excerpt One

In this excerpt from my interview in former Christian Science Monitor news anchor and producer Lisa Taylor's online series "The Intuition Chronicles," I discuss when and how I began awakening to my intuition, how I experience it, how I came to trust it, and much more.

Morning Routine 3: Gratitude

The third part of my morning routine, following meditation and affirmations, is my gratitude practice. We can't help but to feel good - or better, if we've been feeling down - when we take the time to consider all that we have to be grateful for and give voice to our gratitude. Part of what makes gratitude so powerful for me, is that it's also an act of humility, an acknowledgment of the support that I receive along the way.

Morning Routine Part 2: Affirmations

For the longest time, the notion of affirmations seemed silly to me. Was repeating something until I brainwashed myself into believing it a genuine approach to personal growth?

A book, setting aside my ego, and some unexpected and powerful discoveries as I began experimenting with affirmations changed my perspective, leading me to incorporate affirmations as an essential part of my daily routine.

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Accepting What You're Powerless to Change

When the corona virus pandemic began, I had the tremendous good fortune of finding myself in a great living situation that was supposed to last for the duration of the pandemic. When that unexpectedly changed from one day to the next and I suddenly had to leave, I had a choice: resist what I couldn’t change—and get upset about it—or trust that it was ultimately for my greater good—even if I couldn’t yet foresee how that might be true.

What was done was done. In his ostensible powerlessness, an unexpected and empowering freedom.
— from my novel, A Voice Beyond Reason

Morning Routine Part 1: Meditation

I don’t recall how or when I started meditating. I don’t remember reading books on meditation or taking a class or visiting any sort of meditation center. And yet, somehow, sometime, somewhere along the way, I began a practice that continues to this day.

The reasons why I meditate are more clear. Most come as no surprise. Meditation makes me more aware of my breathing. Meditation helps me relax. It affords me mental clarity.

No surprise then, that meditation is the first key component of my morning routine. In this video I talk more about two of the main reasons meditation is so important to staring off my day right.

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On being deserving

Sometimes the notion of being deserving can be confused with ego or selfishness at someone else’s expense. But recognizing one’s self-worth, acknowledging that we are deserving of having our basic needs and wants met, is fundamentally about much more.