A Month with Matthew: In Croatia

Writer Matthew Félix needed to figure out what was next for him, so he went on a month-long solo retreat in a seaside village in Croatia. From the characters he met, to the experiences he had—some funny, some frustrating—to the thoughts, memories, and emotions that came up for him, these are his unscripted stories and ruminations from a month in Croatia.

36 All in Your Head

The “A Month with Matthew: in Croatia podcast” features travel anecdotes, storytelling, and humor short stories from author Matthew Félix’s solo retreat in a small island village in Croatia.

Still grappling with some doubts and fears, Matthew reflects on how many of our struggles are “all in our head,” how our thoughts create our emotions, and how being present and taking action can be potent antidotes to tough times. A delicious free dinner—his first meal out since being on the island—and a little too much wine help lift Matthew’s spirits, as well.